Record delivery: TEICHMANN CRANES delivered 2 gantry cranes in 10 weeks

At their new destination the two cranes had to be used as stockyard and assembly gantry cranes and furthermore they were needed in the domain of tunnelling technology for assembly of tunnel boring machines. In order to prepare the cranes for their tasks, an exhaustive modernization of the mechanical components and a replacement of the electrical components were necessary.

All this was accomplished in record time, not least due to the support by BRUNNHUBER CRANES, a partner company belonging to the TeichmannGroup to which also TEICHMANN CRANES belongs. After only 10 weeks both cranes, among them the brand new 320 t crane of BRUNNHUBER, could be put into service in Schwanau.

In the course of the general overhaul of the electrical system the crane travelling bogies were equipped with new motors and the complete cabling was renewed. The trolley frames were newly built and for each crane two double rail trolleys with capacity of 40 t to be moved together or separately (with total lifting capacity of 70 t) were constructed and assembled.

As the previous cooperation had been so uncomplicated, the customer contacted TEICHMANN CRANES again for this order. Thanks to the membership in the TeichmannGroup, a merger of independent crane manufacturers and crane service companies, TEICHMANN CRANES again succeeded in providing an optimal service by also taking on board BRUNNHUBER CRANES. This cooperation allows making our customers benefit from shorter delivery times and consolidated know-how from years of experience.

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