Design, manufacturing and assembly from one source: TEICHMANN CRANES delivers new crane trolleys for gantry crane in Paderborn

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Crane trolley BEFORE

Crane trolley AFTER

After a detailed analysis of the actual condition of the existing trolleys of the gantry crane, it became apparent that the trolleys were outdated, prone to failure and, moreover, very maintenance-intensive. The customer was therefore advised to completely renew all four trolleys.

The new trolleys were then designed and manufactured at the TEICHMANN CRANES location in Essen. After disassembling the outdated trolleys, the new trolleys were reassembled.

After the reassembly, all new trolleys were additionally adjusted with the help of opto-electronic measuring tools in order to avoid excessive abrasion in the future and to optimally adapt the crane wheels to the customer's conditions on site.

The crane wheels can be readjusted at any time to the required operating tolerance thanks to the maintenance-friendly TEICHMANN design so that excessive abradion is avoided in the future.

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