Special gantry crane for steel construction company required creativity and competence

Some weeks ago TEICHMANN CRANES delivered a radio-controlled crane installation with completely innovative design and a span of 7,7 m to a steel construction company near Fulda. The task consisted in developing a loading crane for pre-packed steel components stored in a “construction site ready” transport cassette. As the crane rails leading from the inside of the hall to the outside area are positioned very close to the hall door, the crane had to be adapted to the existing geometrics of the hall and of the crane runway. Furthermore the gantry crane was equipped with 4 electric wire rope hoists having 10 t of capacity each. All hoisting units and drives are prepared for frequency converter control.

TEICHMANN CRANES – Creativity and competence in the matter of crane construction

The existing dimensions of the hall doors through which the crane has to move outside and the very exact position of the power supply cable which is integrated into a floor-mounted rail once again required an increased creativity of our engineering specialists. Another major concern was to achieve the lifting height desired by the customer. Each two hoisting units are connected by means of a load beam and they work in tandem or quadruple operation when lifting the transport cassette. These may be attached to the lifting beam at different positions. The asymmetrical hoist load associated with this way of load suspension had to be taken into account when designing the crane.

With the successful commissioning of this special crane TEICHMANN has once again demonstrated its broad field of competence in crane construction.

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