High customer satisfaction resulted in more orders for TEICHMANN CRANES

The second overhead travelling crane was intended for use in a huge production facility in which parts with a unit weight of up to 120 t are cast, mechanically processed and finally finished with a surface treatment. The crane’s task was to lift cast parts into a blasting cabinet. Some reconstructions, carried out in the workshop of TEICHMANN CRANES in Essen, were necessary to equip the giant for this purpose and to modify it according to the customer’s requirements. As for transport of the cast parts a higher lifting capacity was needed, the lifting capacity of the OET crane was upgraded from 70t to 80t. Furthermore the span was adapted to 23,5 m and the rope drum was reconstructed to allow attachment of a single hook at the end of the rope instead of a double hook. In the course of the exhausting workshop test of the reconstructed second hand crane all components of assemblies lying in the flow of forces were checked. The reception of the crane by the customer was performed in Essen before final assembly in the customer’s hall in Stade. To test the crane, it was completely assembled and partly put into operation.

Quick and reliable assembly by TEICHMANN CRANES

To allow final assembly within 5 working days, work in two-shift operation was necessary. During the respective week in October there was plenty of action in the production facilities. After delivery of the components the steel construction was assembled, the electrical system was assembled and the lifting cables were hang up. In calendar week 43/2015 the final reception of the crane with handover to the customer took place and it ran smoothly thanks to the reliable and high-quality work of TEICHMANN CRANES.

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